Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Reclaim Beauty through Home Remedies for Hair Growth

Hair is closely associated with beauty and attraction.Many people ask for natural remedies to regrow hair rather than buying expensive products.

Understand hair and hair growth

Hair consist of protein known as keratin, keratin is produced by follicles in the dermis.
Hair follicle has a life cycle that is determined by age and other factors.
We cannot expect results overnight from any treatment, however we could slow down the damage and get visible result within few months.

Nourishments that boost hair growth

Hair need mourishment to retain strength, luster and shine.Eat food that provides protein such as Zinc, vitamin A and omega fatty acid 3,6 & 9.According to doctors hair and nails reflect a persons state of health.

Home remedies for falling hair

Avacado oil for hair treatment has become popular over the past few years and is great for people who are trying to get their hair strong and long over time.Avacado genertae luxurious strands and improve hair growth.
Avacado oil when mixed with coconut oil strengthen the hair folicles and help hair regrowth.
Avocado oil is non-greasy oil and can be applied any time.

Indian goose berry - mix with water and massage onto the scalp.

Jatamansi - Can be consumed orally or massaged to the scalp.

Ashwagandha - Take 6 mg capsule daily to restore hair growth.

Bhringaraj - Ground leaved with water, apply for 30 minutes and then rinse off.

Beer Promotes hair growth 

Consider beer as an option and fight hair fall naturally.Here are some ways go about it!

Beer rinse
Use beer as a final rinser, cover with towel and let it stand for 30 minutes, wash off properly with plain water.

Beer hair mask
When preparing home made hair masks, add beer instead of water.

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