As per "NATURE’S HEALING POWER THROUGH FOOD" Nutrition — One suffers from what one eats. People living in prosperous countries are also no exception to malnutrition. The entire range of processed, frozen, canned, colored, irradiated, freeze-dried, preserved and flavor-enhanced food is killing us. We need to become aware of eating food the way nature intended us to eat i.e. fresh, organically grown fruits and vegetables, either eaten raw or in the form of juices. Dr. Hans Nieper, cancer researcher, is using fresh raw cabbage and carrot juice with excellent results. Juice of red beet juice (from roots and top), carrots, grapes, black cherry and black currants, all these dark colored juices are good. Apple juice is beneficial if it is fresh. Fruit Juices are best taken in the morning and vegetable juices in the afternoon and evening.All juices should always be taken fresh.
1. Nitrites: Sodium nitrite is added to many processed meat products such as hot dogs, bacon and ham as a flavor enhancer. Upon heating, and even when in the stomach, nitrite may
combine with other compounds to form powerful cancer causing chemicals (nitrosamines). Thus, avoid processed meat.
2. Eat a variety of foods daily, especially fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, more of whole grain products and less of fat. These foods are good sources of antioxidant nutrients and contains a generous amount of fiber and other important vitamins and minerals.
3. Researchers have found a link between low cancer rates and foods from the allium family of plants, including onions and garlic. Japanese scientists found that the fresh garlic completely wiped out breast cancers in the mice. They also found that in mice, garlic proved a better antioxidant than Vitamin E, which is considered to be one of the best in reversing liver damage.
Antioxidants — Before we talk about antioxidants, let us examine what oxidation is. ‘Oxidation’ is the process that makes a cut apple rapidly turn brown. Another example is the rusting of metal. While we cannot readily see what is happening in the body, these two are everyday examples of oxidative, free radical damage. Simply explained, whenever oxygen enters your system, the so-called free radicals can be formed.
Recent studies suggest that free radicals may play a significant role in the development of heart disease, arthritis, cataract and cancer. Studies also suggest that foods rich in antioxidant vitamins like beta carotene, C, E and mineral selenium may neutralize many of the free radicals in our bodies and help protect the body’s cells against cancer and other diseases.
1. Vitamin C: Rich food sources of Vitamin C are vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, green peppers, kale, snow peas and sweet potatoes; fruits such as cantaloupes, guavas, Indian Gooseberry, grape fruits, honeydew melons, oranges, tangerines and
2. Vitamin A: Beta-carotene is found in fruits and vegetables and it changes to vitamin A in the body. Rich food sources of beta-carotene are — yellow-orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and winter squash; dark green, leafy vegetables such as spinach (palak), broccoli, kale and pepper, turnip greens; yellow-orange fruits like apricots, cantaloupes, mangoes, papayas and peaches. Like Vitamin A, beta-carotene is found to help prevent lung cancer.
3. Vitamin E: Rich food sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils (sunflower oil, soybean oil); nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts); seeds (sunflower seeds); green leafy vegetables and whole grains. Vitamin E has also been shown to enhance the effectiveness of anticancer drugs used in chemotherapy in rats.
4. Selenium: Selenium works closely with Vitamin E. Rich food sources are whole grains, fish, liver, kidney, nuts and rice.
5. Coenzyme: Q10, B15 and B17 improve cellular oxygen.
Avoid Methylxanthines — These chemicals promote breast cancer and are found in coffee, black tea, cola, chocolate and caffeinated medications. Thus, avoiding these items can prove to be useful.
Abstaining from alcohol or drinking in moderation can minimize the risk of certain types of cancer. The combined effects of heavy drinking and cigarette smoking increase the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx and liver.
Keep your colon clean — Proper elimination is important. Due to poor eating habits, medications, constipation and exposure to environmental pollution, toxins overload our eliminative organs and slow down the metabolism. Be sure to have at least one to two bowel movements daily. Keep your intestinal flora healthy by supplementing Lactobacillus acidophilus, which is a ‘friendly’ bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Unfriendly bacteria promote disease and they increase due to the use
of drugs like antibiotics; viral and yeast infections; insufficient stomach acid due to aging; etc. Cleanse the colon with non-irritating fibre such as flaxseed, psyllium or husks/seeds. Taking in more of yogurt helps increase the growth of the protective bacteria in
our intestine.
Water: Like oxygen, water is essential for our survival. Water provides the medium for blood, lymph, perspiration, digestive juices and other bodily fluids and it allows the nutrients from the food we eat to enter cells and the waste products to be removed. We should drink atleast eight to ten glasses of water daily.
Exercise: Exercise burns up the fats and speeds up the circulation so that oxygen and nutrients can flow into the body cells and waste products can be removed. Exercise reduces stress and can also help in pain management. It keeps the heart healthy. It also strengthens our bones. One should find out which exercise is right for oneself.
Exercises which are most useful are — walking, swimming, aerobics and yoga. Learn diaphragmatic breathing, i.e. proper breathing exercises. Exercise regularly — at least thrice a week for twenty
Massage: Massage has a relaxing effect on the body and it also relieves tension and relaxes the aching muscles.
Emotions stress: There are many things that contribute to stress — family, children, money, job, etc. Stress actually results from situations in which we are afraid of making mistakes, afraid of being made a fool of, afraid of not being successful, feeling insecurity, etc. and all these situations arise when we compare ourselves with others. We have to learn to accept ourselves the way we are. We all make mistakes and life goes on. Learn to say ‘no’ to the things you do not really want to
do. Decide for yourself what your priorities are and then live in accordance with them. Kids can get stressed too. We as parents want our children to acquire the skills that would be necessary for their
future social and business life.
Some of the symptoms that the children suffer due to stress are - headache, stomachache, restlessness, fatigue, insomnia, bedwetting problems, school problems and trouble with friends. It is sometimes difficult to understand what the child experiences in his unconscious mind and hence one has to understand indirectly the real stress of the child by other means, for e.g. painting, drawing, the games he plays, the language and body language he uses for communication, etc.
What happens when you are under stress? The human mind plays an important role in health and well being. When we are under stress, the body causes the adrenals to release steroids such as cortisol. Cortisol prepares us to fight or flee for our survival. Nature has intended this to
be a temporary response. Prolonged stress, because of our fast-paced and worry laden lifestyles, breaks down our immune system causing illnesses and diseases. Negative thoughts create fear, anger, hatred and pain. Improved communications and relationships with others will have a positive attitude. Develop unconditional love for yourself and others and stop expecting things from others.
Relaxation: Take some time out daily to relax, spend some time on the things that you would like to do. Listening to relaxation tapes (Louise Hay and Dr. Emmett Miller are good to start with), prayer,
yoga, meditation and soft music helps the body to relax within minutes. Natural therapies such as acupuncture, hypnotherapy, reiki, and shiatsu can be helpful in alleviating pain and achieving relaxation. A sense of humor and laughter is necessary to fight out the stress and
tensions; we need fun and we know what therapeutic laughter is — watching funny movies like Laurel and Hardy, I love Lucy, Bob Hope, Mr. Bean and Bill Crosby, etc. helps retrieve the body from stress.
Herbs: Herbs such as Dong Quai (root tea), Ginseng, Bee pollen, Evening Primrose oil and Vitamins (especially vitamins C and E) are useful for giving some relief to cancer patients. Immune enhancement herbs such as Goldenseal and Echinacea have long been used in the treatment of cancer by native cultures, due to their immune enhancing effects.
Affirmations: Being optimistic about one's own health and of his life is one of the best steps taken towards cure. Affirmations such as "Everyday, in every way I am getting better and better, stronger, happier and healthier", "I love myself and others" and "l feel good about myself" should be repeated several times daily. Love and hope are important for healing.
You need love and support from your family and friends and for that you also need to give them the same kind of love and affection. It is said, "Cancer is so limited that it cannot cripple love, it cannot shatter hope, it cannot corrode faith, it cannot destroy peace, it cannot kill friendship, it cannot suppress memories and it cannot silence courage".
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