Friday, November 25, 2016


It's used as much for its uplifting aroma as its skin-cooling and soothing properties. Jasmine essential oil can be applied neat as a delightful perfume, which can relax and help to relieve stress.
This deeply colored oil is traditionally considered to be an aphrodisiac. Like many highly fragranced oils, a little goes a long way.
Known as Arabian jasmine, this is a night-blooming flower used to make most commercial Chinese jasmine teas.
The opulent and well-rounded fragrance of the flowers is extracted by solvent, which is then stripped away, leaving the characteristic exotic and richly floral essence.
Make a sensual floral fragrance blend by combining jasmine oil with rose, neroli, bergamot, and ylang ylang oils. It also works with orange oils.
flowers are too delicate to be steam-distilled.

What is it good for?
Skin conditioner Diluted jasmine oil is beneficial for treating hot, dry, sensitive, and inflamed skin, especially if the irritation is triggered by emotional stress.
 heals scars The oil is often a key ingredient in stretch-mark formulas, due to its ability to help to reduce redness and minimize the appearance of scars. You can also apply diluted jasmine oil directly onto scars.
Relieves stress Inhaling jasmine oil has been shown to produce measurable change in brain waves, consistent with reduction in stress and listlessness, and an increase in feelings of alertness and well-being. Linalool, a natural constituent of jasmine essential oil, is responsible for its stress-busting properties. Research has shown that inhaling linalool reduced the activity of a number of genes that tend to be over-activated in moments of stress.
Antidepressant Added to a base massage or bath oil, jasmine essential oil has a strong antidepressant effect and can quickly help to promote a sense of well-being and optimism.
Eat Yourself beautiful
Tea Brew jasmine flowers and green tea together to produce a tea that is subtly sweet, rich in antioxidants, and has an aroma that aids relaxation.
Natural Beauty

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