Monday, November 7, 2016


"Angina" is one of the earlier symptoms of coronary or ischaemic heart disease and is caused due to the fatty deposition accumulating inside the coronary arteries, hardening and narrowing the blood vessels, thus slowing the blood flow to the heart muscles thereby depriving it of the much-needed oxygen supply. Angina occurs especially under circumstances where the demands  on  the  heart increases  as  in  cases  of  stress,  emotional excitement, exertion, high blood pressure or arteriosclerotic changes to the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart.
Angina can be described by tightness or a constricting sensation across the chest, especially on the left side, accompanied by pain or numbness that radiates down the arms (especially the left arm) or the back, throat or up the neck  and  jaw.  There  are  also  accompanying  symptoms  like  nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pallor, tachycardia, breathlessness, increased perspiration and a state of fright and anxiety. This is a condition that needs immediate medical assistance.
It is seen more commonly in males usually after the age of 40 and who have a strong family history of heart disease. Some of the risk factors for angina   are   smoking,   alcoholism,   hypertension,   severe   anxiety   and emotional stress, dietary excesses or deficiencies, high cholesterol levels,
obesity, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, diabetes mellitus, excessive salt intake, etc.

Advice to Patients with Angina
In case you feel you are getting an angina attack, raise the head end of your bed by three to four inches or sit on the edge of the bed with your feet on the floor. This will help to improve the blood flow in the legs. It is important to make the patient take strict bed rest for a day or two.
Stop smoking completely since it constricts the blood vessels and makes the heart work harder.
Excessive alcohol consumption produces many irregularities in the heart rate and also increases the cholesterol levels. So avoid taking alcohol.
Regular exercise like brisk walking on a flat surface and swimming is useful since exercise helps to improve the blood flow to the heart.  The person has to be warned against exerting himself too much or to do any strenuous activities.
Doing yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises helps avoid mental and physical stress and strain.
It is important to treat and control the risk factors like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, etc.

Home Remedies for Angina
Apple - Patients suffering from any heart ailment are advised to take plenty of apples in any form, including jam, made from apples.
Apple cider vinegar - In case of an attack, heat some apple cider vinegar and take a towel and wet it with the warm vinegar and apply it on the back and chest of angina sufferer until help arrives.
Asparagus - Taking freshly extracted juice of asparagus with honey in the proportion mentioned below:
4 tablespoonfuls of asparagus juice and one tablespoonful of honey.
Black raisins - Soak a few dried raisins overnight in water and eat them in the morning along with the water in which they were soaked. Do this regularly.
Cinnamon - In cases of palpitation of the heart, chew on a piece of cinnamon.
Coriander seeds -  A mixture is  made out of powdered coriander  seeds , aniseed and jaggery  in  equal quantities and about six grams of this mixed powder should be taken after each meal by the patient suffering from palpitation of the heart.
Date - Soak a few dates overnight in water and eat them in the morning along with the water in which they were soaked. Do this regularly.
Fibre - Increase the intake of fiber that is found in whole-grain cereals, fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables (especially asparagus, broccoli, Brussels  sprouts,  cantaloupe, carrots,  legumes,  pumpkin,  salads, spinach and sweet potatoes). Increase the intake of pulses also.
Fish - Taking oily fish like salmon, sardines, herring, trout and mackerel is allowed but a vegetarian diet is preferable.
Fresh fruit juice - Fresh fruit juices, especially grape and apple juice are very useful cardiac tonics.
Garlic - Take two to three cloves of fresh garlic daily in the morning for a few months.
Guava - I recommend my patients to regularly eat one ripe guava daily on an empty stomach to prevent angina pectoris.
Honey - One tablespoon of honey should be taken daily after meals.
Indian gooseberry - One medium sized Indian gooseberry (amla) should be taken daily in the morning for a few days. Dry pieces of amla can be chewed or other preparations of the same in the form of murabba, pickle, juice, etc. can be taken liberally.
Lemon - The peel of one or two lemons may be cut up finely, covered with warm water and allowed to stand for about twelve hours and a teaspoonful of this should be taken every three hourly or immediately before or after a meal. Shredded lemon peel of lemon can be added to soups and stews or sprinkled over salads.
Oil - Using polyunsaturated oils like corn and safflower are useful since they contain linoleic acid, which is essential for the body's utilization of fat. Safflower oil has proved beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol and can thus be safely used by persons suffering from any cardiovascular problem.
Olives / Olive oil - Olives are rich in potassium, hence eating few olives regularly are good for the heart. Similarly using olive oil for cooking adds extra benefit by reducing the risk of heart disease.
Onion - A teaspoonful of raw onion juice should be taken on an empty stomach daily in the morning.
Vegetable juices - A combination of any of the following vegetable juices is useful - beetroot, carrot, celery leaves, parsley and spinach (palak).
Vitamin E-rich food - Increase the intake of food rich in vitamin E, which improves the circulation and muscle strength of the heart.
Yogurt - A dish of yogurt should be taken daily to keep the arteries clean and unclogged.

What to avoid - Avoid salt, sugar, eggs, red meat, milk and milk products, fatty food, fried food, caffeine products, groundnut or coconut or palm oils, tea, coffee, etc.

Homeopathic Remedies for Angina
If the pain is sudden and is associated with tachycardia, anxiety and fear of death - give Aconite 30C, three pills every ten minutes till the symptoms reduce.
When the pain is of a constricting type as if the chest is squeezed with an iron band accompanied with congestion and palpitation - Cactus Grandiflorus 30 C, three pills every ten minutes should be given till the symptoms become milder, or, five drops of the mother tincture - Cactus grandiflorus should be given in a tablespoonful of water thrice daily.
In cases of spasmodic pain with a sensation as if the heart would cease to beat if they moved, with irregular slow beats and with inability to talk, give Digitalis 30C, four pills every few minutes till relief is obtained.
In cases of angina pectoris with a constricting sensation and violent pain with numbness in the extremities and where the patient is gasping for breath, give Latrodectus Mactans 30C, four pills every few minutes till relief is obtained.
Bryonia mother tincture, six drops directly on the tongue gives instant relief in acute attack of angina.
Mag Phos 6 X, two tablets should be taken in cases where the patient complains of a crampy pain that is better by drinking something warm or by application of something warm over the chest region.
Ten drops of mother tincture Crataegus Oxycantha, in half cup of warm water, taken thrice daily, helps in various heart disorders especially in cases of heart failure.
In cases of sharp pains in the chest which take away the breath, and palpitations which are worse on stooping forward, give Kalmia Latifolia 200 C, four pills every few minutes till relief is obtained.
In  cases  of  congestion  of  the  head  and  the  heart,  with  violent palpitations,  severe throbbing and  pounding headache and labored breathing with pains radiating in all directions, use Glonoine 30C, four pills every thirty minutes till the symptoms reduce.
Give Spigelia (Pinkroot) 30C, four pills twice daily in cases of pressure and oppression in the region of the chest with a shooting, stabbing or lacerating pain, where the pain is relieved by lying on the right side with head high.
In cases of angina with asthmatic symptoms and cramps, give Cuprum Met 30C, four pills every fifteen minutes till the symptoms reduce.


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