Monday, November 7, 2016

Abortion Home Remedies

Expulsion of the products of conception before the pregnancy has come to full term is termed as ‘Abortion or Miscarriage’. About three-fourth of all miscarriages occur within the first twelve weeks and most of them occur due to some injury or fall during pregnancy; in cases of sudden shock, fear,joy or sorrow; in cases of mothers who are smoking, drinking alcohol or suffering from malnutrition; in cases where certain drugs are taken by the mother - taken for prolonged period or even once or twice (e.g. oral contraceptive pills) before or during the pregnancy; exposure of the expectant mother to radiation or toxic chemicals; due to some genetic abnormality of the embryo; some hormonal imbalance or due to improper implantation of the embryo.

Miscarriages can also occur in cases of uterine abnormalities like double uterus; weak cervical muscles or in cases of uterine diseases like endometriosis, fibroid tumors or infections of the uterus (e.g. sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis). Miscarriages occurring after the third or the fourth month can endanger the life of the pregnant woman.

Abortion or miscarriage can be preceded by chilliness, fever, abdominal cramps and a bearing down pain, discharge of mucus or blood (also termed as spotting), violent headaches, absence of fetal movements,leakage of fluid from the vagina (which indicates that the membranes have
ruptured), etc. This is a state of emergency and needs immediate medical assistance.
The pregnant woman is advised to take strict bed rest for complete nine months in cases where there is a past history of abortion.
The expectant mother is asked to refrain from smoking and drinking completely, to be careful when walking, not to overexert herself and not to climb over a stool or a ladder. A well-balanced nutritional diet is a necessity for the good health of the mother as well as the fetus.

Home Remedies to Avoid Abortion
Calcium-rich food — Eat lots of calcium-rich food like dairy products and green, leafy vegetables.
Cereals — Eat plenty of whole grain cereals such as bread, rice and pasta.
Cinnamon — In cases where there is bleeding in a pregnant woman following a false step, over lifting or over-reaching, chew on a piece of cinnamon  and take a little sugar.
Fruits and vegetables — Have plenty of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables daily.
Lotus root — Juice of lotus root is an age-old remedy for miscarriage.
Pomegranate —  Pomegranate leaves given with powder of sandalwood, curds and honey helps prevent a miscarriage.
Protein-rich food — Eat lots of protein-rich food like beans, eggs, fish,nuts, peas, poultry, seeds, etc.
Sesame seeds — Mixture of equal parts of sesame seeds, powdered barley and sugar with some honey stabilizes the embryo when there is a danger of spontaneous abortion or miscarriage.
Turmeric — Mix two teaspoonfuls of turmeric powder in one glass of 200 ml of water and drink 50 ml of this water every two hourly till the bleeding stops.
Vitamins E and B complex — Grains, seeds and nuts are rich in Vitamin E and B complex and so should be taken liberally.

Useful Dietary Hints to Avoid Abortion
Avoid caffeine products (like coffee, chocolate, tea, cola), alcohol and cigarettes.
Mint leaves should not be taken in large quantities.
Papaya and its sap should be avoided.
Excessive pineapple in any form is harmful during pregnancy as it causes premature uterine contractions.
Poppy seeds should be avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Sesame seeds should not be consumed.

Homeopathic Remedies for Abortion
In cases of threatened abortion especially around the third month of pregnancy, Actaea Racemosa 30C, four pills every three hourly, is useful.
In cases of abortion around the fifth or seventh month of pregnancy, give Sepia 30C, four pills every four hourly.
ln cases of miscarriage with crampy, colicky pains, Viburnum Opulus 30C, four pills every four hourly, is useful.
ln cases of abortion resulting from an accident, fall, blow, over lifting or overexertion of any kind, Arnica 30 C, give four pills every hour.
ln cases where there is miscarriage associated with convulsions of the whole body, with loss of consciousness and a discharge of light red blood, Hyoscyamus 30C should be given, four pills four hourly.
ln cases of abortion from emotional disturbances, Chamomilla 30C, give four pills every hour.
Secale Cor 30C is a useful remedy after a miscarriage has occurred,especially in debilitated persons or when there is discharge of dark liquid blood with mild pain in the abdomen. Take four pills four hourly.
ln cases of repeated abortions, Merc Cor 30C, four pills thrice daily throughout the pregnancy, with occasional intermissions, has proved useful.

Source : Nature’s Healing Power through Food

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