Sunday, May 15, 2016

Kitchen Ingredients For Hair Growth That You Dont Know About!

Onion Juice
Grow your hair with onion.Wondering how?? Onion is rich in sulfur which is important for the production of collagen and collagen is responsible for hair regrowth.
Squeeze out the juice of red onions or shallots.
Now apply it on your scalp for 15 minutes,rinse off with a mild shampoo.
Apple Cider Vinegar (A.C.V)
A.C.V cleanses the scalp and maintain ph balance,therefore accelerating hair growth.
1.Tsp apple cider vinegar.
1 big cup of water.
After washing your hair use apple cider vinegar as a final rinse to make your hair shiny.
Egg Mask
An egg is rich in sulfur,zinc,phosphorous and iodine.Egg proteins are very good for hair growth and shine.
1 Egg white.
1.tsp of honey.
1.Tsp of extra virgin olive oil.
Mix all above ingredients well and apply for 20 minutes.Rinse with tap water.
Twice a week.
Looking for hair fall solution ??.Fenugreek works like a miracle if you are suffering from hair fall,it also protects natural hair color.
1 Tsp Fenugreek seeds paste.
2 Tsp coconut oil.
Apply it all over your scalp.Wash off with a mild shampoo.
Twice a month.
Indian Gooseberry
As you know Indian gooseberry is rich in vitamin C,which promotes healthy hair and strengthens your hair.
2 Tsp of Indian Gooseberry powder or juice.
1 Tsp of lemon juice.
Mix them well and apply over your scalp properly.
Keep for 30 minutes, rinse off with your regular shampoo.

Potato Juice
Have thin hair??.Say goodbye to thin hair and use this natural remedy.
Squeeze small piece of potato juice in a bowl.
Water half the quantity of potato juice.
Apply for 15 minutes,rinse off with a mild shampoo.
Henna pack
Henna is very good conditioner,promotes hair growth by strengthening roots and make hair shiny as well.
1 cup of dry henna.
1/2 cup of yogurt.
Apply it all over your hair from roots to tip.
Leave the pack until it dries off, rinse off with water. Do not rub harshly.
Here are 3 more henna hair packs.
Use every alternative week.
Coconut Milk
It is rich in iron and essential fats.It reduces hair fall and strengthens hair.
Extract coconut milk or buy coconut milk from the market.
Apply it all over your scalp and keep it overnight.Next day rinse off.
Once a week.
Green Tea
Green Tea is rich in antioxidants,responsible for hair growth and prevents hair loss.
Make Green tea and wait till it becomes lukewarm.
Apply all over your scalp for 30 minutes, rinse off as usual with normal shampoo.


  1. Glad I decided to read this post because I do business with lots of hairstylist that use these tips and tricks for hair growth, especially the onion tip.

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